Esteemed Customers,
By this time Euro Pacific International Bank (“EPIB”) “Opt-Out” customers have been contacted through the designated website portal to upload certain information required by the Trustee to update and verify information required to commence the liquidation process. First, customers please be informed that the Axos Document Delivery Portal is a secure site used to deliver documents to trustees using Axos trustee services software.
While personal and account information for EPIB customers remains stored in the electronic records maintained for the bank, still this information needs to be verified and updated regularly for purposes of complying with Puerto Rico and international banking guidelines applicable to this institution in liquidation. Notwithstanding, at the present time and considering that the funds distribution for “Opt-Out” customers still has not been determined, the documentation update required for commencing distribution will be stayed for until the Voluntary Liquidation Plan is approved by the Commissioner of Financial Institutions of Puerto Rico. On this main reason, the invitation link sent to your email address is no longer active and we will inform in due time when this will be activated.
As to when you will receive your money, the liquidation process of this bank is still in process mainly on account of funds deposited at correspondent’s banks which need to be made available for distributions. Any distributions to customers will commence once the Plan of Liquidation is filed by the undersigned with the Puerto Rico regulatory agency and approved by the Commissioner.
Further communications will be provided in due course.
Wigberto Lugo Mender
Trustee Appointed by The Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions, Puerto Rico
Previous Notifications
August 9, 2024: Liquidation Receiver Report on Work Performed Q2-2024
Esteemed Customers, Wigberto Lugo Mender, Esq., (hereinafter "Receiver" or "Trustee") hereby informs all interested parties to the liquidation process of Euro Pacific Int'l. Bank, Inc., (hereinafter "EPIB") that the Liquidation Receiver Report for the 2nd Quarter of...
July 31, 2024: Liquidation Receiver on Work Performed Q1-2024
Esteemed Customers, Wigberto Lugo Mender, Esq., (hereinafter "Receiver" or "Trustee") hereby informs all interested parties to the liquidation process of Euro Pacific Int'l. Bank, Inc., (hereinafter "EPIB") that the Liquidation Receiver Report for the 1st Quarter of...
April 12, 2024: Liquidation Receiver on Work Performed Q4-2023
Esteemed Customers, Wigberto Lugo Mender, Esq., (hereinafter "Receiver" or "Trustee") hereby informs all interested parties to the liquidation process of Euro Pacific Int'l. Bank, Inc., (hereinafter "EPIB") that the Liquidation Receiver Report for the 4th Quarter of...
March 8, 2024: Liquidation Receiver Reports on Work Performed
Esteemed Customers, Wigberto Lugo Mender, Esq., (hereinafter "Receiver" or "Trustee") hereby informs all interested parties to the liquidation process of Euro Pacific Int'l. Bank, Inc., (hereinafter "EPIB") on the work and transactions for the entity on liquidation...
September 15, 2023 : Receiver’s Report on EPIB Liquidation Process update
Esteemed Customers, As you may already be previously informed, the voluntary liquidation process ordered for Euro Pacific International Bank upon the Joint Consent Order of Liquidation entered on August 9, 2022, should be modified upon a request of Global Financial...
June 17, 2023: EPIB Trustee Case Progress Report
Esteemed Customers, Following up on the Receiver Report dated June 15, 2023, customers and parties in interest should be informed as follows. 1. Global Financial Services Technology (“GFST”) has provided its list of customers that should be transferred to them for...
June 15, 2023 : Receiver’s Report
Dear Customers, We are pleased to inform you that the Receiver, who is appointed by OCIF (Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions of Puerto Rico), has diligently prepared an official progress report detailing the liquidation process up to this...
September 8, 2022: Qenta Welcome Letter
Dear valued customer, On behalf of Qenta Inc., welcome to our family. We know this has been a difficult time and look forward to a brighter future together. In this letter, we want to share who we are, why we are excited for you to join us, and invite you to our...
September 2, 2022: Update on Pending Transactions, Brokerage, and Account Migration
Dear Euro Pacific Bank customer, As stated in the official Notice of Liquidation on Monday, August 29th, Euro Pacific Bank was required to proceed with its liquidation and allow clients to request withdrawals inside their eBanking. We also disclosed the existence of a...
August 29,2022: Commencement of Bank Liquidation
Dear Euro Pacific Bank customer, We write to inform you that, although Euro Pacific Bank is now in liquidation pursuant to a Consent Order for Liquidation and Dissolution of International Financial Entity entered into with the Puerto Rico Office of the Commissioner of...