Esteemed Customers, Wigberto Lugo Mender, Esq., (hereinafter “Receiver” or “Trustee”) hereby informs all interestedparties to the liquidation process of Euro Pacific Intl. Bank, Inc., (hereinafter “EPIB”) on the workand transactions for the entity on liquidation for...
Esteemed Customers, Wigberto Lugo Mender, Esq., (hereinafter “Receiver” or “Trustee”) hereby informs all interested parties to the liquidation process of Euro Pacific Int’l. Bank, Inc., (hereinafter “EPIB”) that the...
RECEIVER’S REPORT ON EURO PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL BANK, INCLIQUIDATION PROCESS UPDATE Dear Opt-Out Customers, As was advanced in our last quarterly report, we continue to move forward with this liquidation process.We are glad to inform you that most of the assets...
Esteemed Customers, Wigberto Lugo Mender, Esq., (hereinafter “Receiver” or “Trustee”) hereby informs all interested parties to the liquidation process of Euro Pacific Int’l. Bank, Inc., (hereinafter “EPIB”) that the...
Esteemed Customers, Wigberto Lugo Mender, Esq., (hereinafter “Receiver” or “Trustee”) hereby informs all interested parties to the liquidation process of Euro Pacific Int’l. Bank, Inc., (hereinafter “EPIB”) that the...
Esteemed Customers, Wigberto Lugo Mender, Esq., (hereinafter “Receiver” or “Trustee”) hereby informs all interested parties to the liquidation process of Euro Pacific Int’l. Bank, Inc., (hereinafter “EPIB”) that the...